Thursday, November 27, 2008

More Thanks.

What a great week. I love this last pic of Jonathan and Granny walking down the hill. Granny had a stroke giving birth to her last child and her left side is totally numb but that doesn't slow her down. She'always in the kitchen cooking or cleaning and she enjoyed going to the park with the kids and I. At lunch we went around the table and told all the things we're most thankful for. There's so much....
little pudgy fingers that grab my hair, 4 feet padding into our room every morning, "Momma, we're hungry.", morning coffee, freedom to worship God without fear, our health, Jonathan's job, Christmas trees, clean laundry, clean water, tall mountains, sand between my toes, a strong marriage, giggling girls at bedtime, our van, a family that loves and cares for us, Blue Bell icecream, true friends, more true friends, shoes that fit, our home, blankets to keep our children warm at night, presents under a tree, my job, hot chocalate, 3 healthy pregnancies and 3 healthy babies, a husband that adores us, a good rainstorm, getting my hair washed at the hair shop, oatmeal, Grace's brownies, a good book, people that serve our country, razors(it would be terrible to never shave your legs!), grandparents, good debates, a good argument with Jonathan ( I usually win!), making up after a good argument, leaves falling from a tree, a cold Coke, bedtime prayers, baby bottoms, Grace doing my hair, cozy pajamas, full stockings on Christmas morning, Easter Sunday, food in the pantry, raspberries and GrapeNuts, my little sister, chasing the girls, talking long-distance to family, I Love Lucy, kids' questions about God, faith, hope and love....and the greatest of these is love.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Oh I loved this post! Your list is awesome!