Saturday, May 3, 2008

29 Week Pic

So, I've been off on my weeks. I thought I was 27 weeks but I just turned 29 so here's the ever-growing belly and the ever-growing baby boy!
Our new fave pastime is to spin around in the office chair as fast as we can. The girls giggle until they're so out of breath! Grace's favorite attire as you can see, is her princess panties. It's so hard to keep that girl dressed. These are some of the last pictures we'll get to post of the naked child. Hopefully Baby D. will like clothes a little better!


Lauren said...

Wow, girl! You are really growing! Hope you are still feeling good.

Jennifer said...

Well, if she's gonna walk around in panties, at least they are "princess" ones! Good thing the girl has style!:)

Erin said...

so cute!