Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Amphibean House

So, the new rave here at our house recently has been frogs, frogs, frogs! I love them but the girls especially. Our first pet frog, Hopper, was found outside by our house last week but he was laid to rest Saturday after we discovered he wasn't moving. This knowledge drove Glory to tears and I mean, TEARS!!! We've never seen her so heartbroken and sad. It even made me cry! So, Jonathan, the softie that he is, drove his two princesses to PetSmart today to remedy the situation and buy a new frog. Eighty dollars later, we were set with a frog tank complete with two frogs(one for each girl), rocks and lily pads and some little rock hide-out thing. Frogs eat live crickets, five every other day. No wonder Hopper died. We were feeding him carrots and lettuce! Poor guy...So, now we not only have pet frogs, but we'll get a cricket house to hold all the crickets the frogs need to eat. We're still working on the names. Glory wants to name them Eric and Pamela for Pamela and her boyfriend! We'll see!


A said...

You have to admit, the frog is kind of cute, in a gross reptile way :)

Jennifer said...

I need to tell you our frog story from this week when we finally get a chance to talk!
I was not aware that Pet Smart actually SOLD frogs... We find them in our yard and at church quite often, though!

Erin said...

so cute! i LOVE the birth precious. he looks so much like jonathan! i love it! post pics when you can!

Wendy McDonald-Linton said...

How is Glory doing in Kindergarten? I can't believe that she is in school! Tell her that her frog story reminds me to F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely On God!) for all things.