I stole this from Lauren and would like to hear your answers as well, so let me know if you blog on it!!
1. Paper or Bags for present wrapping?
Definitely paper on boxes. I love that traditional look.
2. Real of fake tree?
Fake...those real needles always make my knees itch
3.When to put the tree up?
The day after Thanksgiving
4. When to take it down?
Whenever the food is fully digested, usually 2 weeks after Christmas dinner!!!!!!
5. Egg nog?
Me, absolutely not but Jonathan loves it!
6.Favorite gift I have received?
A leather-bound study Bible with my name engraved on it from my parents. I was 15.
7. Do I have a nativity scene?
I did, but I cannot find it currently. It's from the dollar store and I'm not too fond of it.
8.Who's the hardest to buy for?
Jonathan's brother, Nathan....this year he'll get a gift certificate because I never can figure out what to get him that's personal!
9. The easiest to buy for?
My mom...she'll pretty much like everything1
10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Never heard of doing the second....definitely mail, although mine may not get out till New Year's!
11. Worst gift I ever received?
A White Elephant one that was a toilet paper roll decorated as a swan!!!!
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Home Alone, for sure
13. Have I recycled a Christmas gift? Many times, but you will not find out which ones!!
14. Favorite eats at Christmas time?
My mom's pies and her gobble-up salad, which my aunt will be making this year since we'll be doing Christmas with her
15. Clear or colored lights on the tree? I like them both.
16. Favorite Christmas song? O, Come All Ye Faithful and O, Come, O, Come, Emmanuel.
17. Travel or stay home? I like being home, wherever home may be...Arizona, this year!!!
18. Open gifts Christmas Eve or Day?
Definitely DAY!!!!
19. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
Can't thing of anything right now, except the fact that I eat too much
20. Favorite ornament thing or color?
I like all the really old ones that we made as kids and anything sparkly
21. Favorite thing for Christmas dinner?
I love hot green beans almondine and fresh rolls.
22. What do I want for Christmas?
A roth-IRA opened in our name and a new cell phone since mine is a piece.